Competitor Dress Code:

It is our desire to promote professionalism and modesty in behavior and dress; therefore, modified STOA dress code requirements will be enforced for all speakers and debaters. For the duration of the tournament, students must remain clean, neat, and modest (if at any time a student changes into casual wear, this standard also applies.)

During competition, students must dress in professional business attire as follows:

  • Gentlemen: Suits, or slacks and a sports coat, with a shirt and tie; all with dress shoes.
  • Ladies: Skirt or pant suits; slacks, skirts or dresses with jackets; all with professional dress shoes. (Skirt/dress hemlines are to be at least to the knee! No Exceptions!)
  • Juniors: For young men, suits and jackets are suggested but not required. Young ladies can wear nice dresses, skirts and blouses, or pant suits.

NOTE: The focus of the activity is to improve communication skills, with the intent to honor the Lord Jesus Christ. A student should be able to appear modest and professional while improving these skills.


If the competitor’s attire at any time during the tournament is deemed a violation of the dress code, the competitor will be asked to come into compliance with the dress code before entering his/her next round. A student will not be allowed to participate in competition or awards without compliance with dress code.

Awards Ceremony:

Students must attend the awards ceremony in full competition attire.